Home is where the heart is …
17 years of ribosome structure research (riboworld.com) in Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt and on many synchrtron beamlines around the world. In parallel desktop publishing starting with an ATARI (Calamus) and later during the 1990’s photoshop and ray tracing (PovRay) – research results need to be visualized.
2009 visualization of research results became the base for a kind of interface between research and public relations at the Max Planck Institute fot the Structure and Dynamics of Matter at CFEL (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science) in Hamburg.

Listen to ship horns from the Elbe in southern winds …
„Rolling home, rolling home, rolling home across the sea
Rolling home, to good old Hamburg, rolling home, min Deern to di“

I appologize for presenting the whole website in german only. When it started, years ago, I tried to build up a two language site but finally I gave up because I hardly manage to keep the german part actual.
Nevertheless, I may come up with some english posts which are listed below.
The size of a 70S ribosome structure compared to a protein
To visualize the enormous size molecule complex of a ribosome (bakteriell, 70S), its displayed site by site with a single protein (photoactive yellow protein). Bacterial…